Automated Subscription Renewal Process
Automated Subscription Renewal allows you to use one and the same bank card of yours in your TSLab account to be used for all future occasional payments automatically. You do not need to enter your details again and again in Tinkoff – they can be applied automatically. Once you have activated Automated Subscription Renewal, your TSLab personal account will be constantly informing you that this service is active. All data used to conduct a payment (bank card details, personal data) are fully protected according to security PCI DSS standards and are kept ONLY in Tinkoff. The Automated Subscription Renewal keeps using the bank card you used LAST TIME. You may use multiple cards to pay for various services.
If you wish to you use another bank card, you should uncheck the Automated Subscription Renewal box first, then conduct a transaction with a new bank card and agree to use the Automated Subscription Renewal again.
Automated Subscription Renewal validity is equal to 12 months since you have started to use it, after that utomated Subscription Renewal should be activated again.
«Trading Systems Lab», LLC
Business Address:
141090, Moskovskaya obl., Korolyov, Yubileyniy, ul. Pionerskaya d. 1/4.
Registered Office Address:
141070, Moskovskaya obl., Korolyov, pr. Kosmonavtov d. 29/12, korpus 1, kv. 63
141090, Moskovskaya obl., Korolyov, Yubileyniy, ul. Pionerskaya d. 1/4.
Registered Office Address:
141070, Moskovskaya obl., Korolyov, pr. Kosmonavtov d. 29/12, korpus 1, kv. 63